
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

M.E. for You

Fuelled by the belief that every parent has the power to significantly enhance their child’s quality of life, Meta Empowerment’s mission is to support parents to find that power when it feels lost amongst the noise of parenting. Childhood adversity exacerbates the ‘normal’ noises of parenting, which can coincide with: confusion, loneliness, frustration, concern, self-doubt, guilt, fear, and even shame. Unfortunately, excessive noise can compromise a parent’s ability to cope and parent to their best standards. Ironically, it’s during this most challenging time that children need their parents to bring their ‘A-game’.

Meta Empowerment aims to intercept this cruel cycle by taking an evidence-based approach to arm parents with human behaviour knowledge and support them to access their inner resources. This client-counsellor collaboration is designed to create a synergistic effect that enhances parent insight, wellbeing, and capacity to create a nurturing environment for children.

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Children Excluded from Social and Educational Settings: Is it in their Best Interests or Discrimination?

“Your child is a danger to the other children.” “Your child is impacting other children’s learning.” “Your child needed to spend time in the [segregated area].” “We don’t have the …